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The Difference Between CBT and DBT

Elevated Healing Treatment Centers

Updated: Jan 23

Mental Health Therapy and the difference between CNT and DBT

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) are two widely used therapeutic approaches, each providing a unique approach for mental health treatment. At Elevated Healing Treatment Centers, we incorporate both modalities to address diverse needs, empowering individuals to achieve emotional well-being.

Thought Patterns and Emotions

With CBT, the focus is on identifying and changing negative thought patterns that contribute to emotional distress. It is highly structured and goal-oriented, helping individuals challenge unhelpful beliefs and replace them with healthier perspectives. For example, someone dealing with anxiety might use CBT techniques to reframe catastrophic thinking into more balanced, rational thoughts.

Emotional Regulation

DBT is a specialized form of CBT developed to address intense emotions and interpersonal difficulties. While it also involves examining thought patterns, DBT places a stronger emphasis on emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. Originally created for individuals affected by personality disorders, DBT has proven effective for a range of conditions, including PTSD, eating disorders, and severe mood disorders.

Cognitive Restructuring

A key difference between the two therapies lies in their focus. CBT prioritizes cognitive restructuring, aiming to shift thought patterns to develop positive emotional responses and behaviors. DBT, on the other hand, emphasizes balancing acceptance and change, teaching individuals to accept their current emotions while improving coping strategies. 

Both therapies use practical exercises and homework assignments to reinforce skills outside of sessions. CBT may involve journaling or thought record exercises, while DBT often includes mindfulness practices, such as observing emotions without judgment.

Choosing CBT or DBT

The choice between CBT and DBT depends on the individual’s specific needs. CBT is ideal for those seeking to address patterns of negative thinking or behaviors, such as in cases of depression or anxiety. DBT is particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with overwhelming emotions, self-harm, or difficulties in relationships.

Our treatment center in Woodland Hills and Los Angeles collaborates with clients to determine the most appropriate approach, often integrating elements of both CBT and DBT to provide comprehensive care. By leveraging the strengths of each therapy, individuals gain tools to manage challenges effectively, improve relationships, and build a more fulfilling life.

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